Here We Go
All the way
One mile--no good.
Two miles--No sweat.
Three miles--Better yet.
Four miles--All the way.
Five miles--Everyday.
Six miles--follow me.
Seven miles--Ranger run
Lots of fun.
All the way.
PT--So good
One mile no sweat,
Two miles better yet,
Three miles oh no,
Four miles gotta go,
Five miles, gotta run
Six miles, to the sun
Seven miles feeling good like I should.
In my legs,
In my head,
In my chest,
Feeling good
Super troop.
C-130 rolling down the strip,
Airborne daddy's gonna take a little trip.
Mission uncertain, destination unknown,
Don't even know if we're ever coming home.
Stand-up, Hook-up, shuffle to the door,
Jump right out and count to four.
Slip to the left and slip to the right
Slip on down to a firefight.
Hit the drop zone with my feet apart
Legs in my stomach and feet in my heart.
And if my main don't open wide,
I've got a reserve by my side.
And if that one should fail me too,
Look out below, I'm coming through.
And if I die in the old drop zone,
Box me up and ship me home.
And if I die in the Korean mud
Bury me with a case of Bud
Bury speakers all around my head
So I can rock with the Grateful Dead
Bury speakers all around my toes
So I can rock with Axel Rose
Pin my medals upon my chest,
And bury me in the leaning rest.
Up in the morning at the break of day
Work so hard we never play
Run through the jungle where the sun don't shine
And all I do is the double time
Up in the morning and out of the rack
Grab my clothes and put them on my back
Run thru the swamp and up in a tree
First sergeant chasing after me
I like whiskey and I like wine
But all I do is double time
Up in the morning before the break of day
I don't like it no way
Eat my breakfast too darn soon
Hungry as hell by noon
Went to the mess sergeant on my knees
I said mess sergeant, mess sergeant, feed me please
Mess sergeant said with a big old grin
If you want to be airborne, you got to be thin.
When I get to heaven,
Saint Peter's gonna say,
How'd you earn your living boy?
How'd you earn your pay?
I reply with a whole lot of anger,
Earned my living as an Airborne Ranger.
Livin' a life of Guts and Danger,
Blood, Sweat, Guts, and Danger.
That's the way, of an Airborne Ranger
When I get to hell,
Satan's gonna say,
How'd you earn your living punk?
How'd you earn your pay?
And I replied with a boot to his face,
Earned my livin' laying souls to waste!
When my granny was 91,
She did PT just for fun.
When my granny was 92,
She did PT better than you.
When my granny was 93,
She did pushups just like me.
When my granny was 94,
She did PT more and more.
When my granny was 95,
She did PT to stay alive.
When my Granny turned 96,
She did situps just for kicks.
And when my granny turned 97,
She double-timed straight up to heaven.
She met St. Peter at the pearly gate,
Said, Gee, St. Peter I hope Im not late.
St. Peter said with a big wide grin,
Drop down Granny and knock out ten.
Saw an old lady walking down the street
Had a ruck on her back and jungle boots on her feet
I said "Hey old lady where you going to?"
She said "U.S. Army Ranger School"
I said "Hey old lady, now ain't you been told?
Ranger School's for the young and the bold!"
She said "Hey now son don't be a fool
I'm an instructor at the Ranger school"
Saw an old lady walking down the street
Had a chute on her back, and jump boots on her feet
I said "Hey old lady where you going to?"
She said "U.S. Army Airborne School"
I said "Hey old lady, you're too darn old
You'd better leave the jumpin' to the young and the bold"
She said "Hey now sonny can't you see?
I've got master jump wings and my CIB"
Saw an old lady walking down the street
She had a tank on her back and fins on her feet
I said "Hey old lady, where you going to?"
She said "U.S. Army Scuba School"
I said "Hey old lady, now ain't you been told?
Scuba School's for the young and the bold"
She said "Hey now sonny can't you see?
I taught recon, UDT"
Two old ladies lying in bed,
One rolled over to the other and said,
"I wanna be an Airborne Ranger",
Live a life of guts and danger,
Blood, guts, lies and danger,
That's the life of an Airborne Ranger.
Up on a mountaintop, beating my drum
I beat so hard till the MP's come
I said MP, MP, don't arrest me
Arrest that leg behind that tree
He stole the whiskey, he stole the wine
And all I ever do is the double-time
Had an old dog whose name was Boo
Boo wants to go to Scuba School
Bought him a tank and four little fins
And took him down where he got the bends
Same old dog whose name was Boo
Boo wants to go to Ranger School
And so I took away his chow
I motivated his bow-wow
Still got the dog whose name was Boo
Boo wants to go to Airborne School
Got him a chute, strapped it to his back
Now Boo stands tall, and he looks strac
That Airborne dog whose name was Boo
Got his orders for Jungle School
Took him down to Panama
And that's the last of Boo I ever saw.
I can run to __________ just like this
All the way to __________ and never quit
Ft Benning / Airborne
Ft. Campbell / Air Assault
Ft. Bragg / Eighty-second
Ft. Riley / Kansas
Ft. Wood / Missouri
Coon skin and alligator hide
Make a pair of jump boots just the right size
Shine 'em up, lace 'em up, put 'em on your feet
A good pair of jump boots can't be beat
Birdie, birdie in the sky
Dropped some whitewash in my eye
Ain't no sissy, I won't cry
I'm just glad that cows don't fly
Me and Superman got in a fight
I hit him in the head with some Kryptonite
I hit him so hard I busted his brain
And now I'm dating Lois Lane
Well, me and Batman, we had one too
I hit him in the head with my left shoe
Right in the temple with my heel
And now I'm driving the Batmobile
A is for Airborne
I is for In the sky
R is for Rough and tough
B is for Born to Die
O is for On the go
R is for Ranger
N is for Never quit
E is for Everyday
R is for rough and tough
A is for all the way
N is for never quit
G is for gung-ho
E is for ever-ready
R is for Ranger
'Cause I'm Airborne
All the way
I wanna be an Airborne Ranger,
Live the life of guts and danger,
Blood, guts, lies and danger,
That is the life of an Airborne Ranger.
I wanna be a Scuba Diver,
Dive right in to that murky water,
Scuba Diver,
Murky water,
Airborne Ranger,
Guts and danger.
I wanna be a Mountain Climber,
Climb those mountains higher and higher,
Mountain Climber,
Higher and higher,
Scuba Diver,
Murky water,
Airborne Ranger,
Guts and danger.
I wanna be a paramedic,
Give me some of that funky anesthetic,
Funky anesthetic,
Mountain Climber,
Higher and higher,
Scuba Diver,
Murky water,
Airborne Ranger,
Guts and danger.
We are the Mountain Rangers,
And we like to PARTY
Party, Hardy
Party, Hardy all night long,
(All Together)
Your left, Your left,
Your left, right get on up
Your left, Your left,
Your left, right get on up,
Now drop, recover and beat your face
Mountain Rangers are going to rock this place.
Let 'em blow let 'em blow
Let the four winds blow
From the east to the west
The US Army is the best
Standing tall and looking good
Ought to march in Hollywood
Dress it right and cover down
Forty inches all around
Old soldier, combat soldier
Pick up your rifle and follow me,
I am the infantry,
Queen of Battle infantry.
Patch on my shoulder,
Mount your chopper and follow me,
Air Assault Infantry.
Patch on my shoulder,
Pick up your chute and follow me,
Airborne Infantry.
First cav,
Patch on my shoulder,
Mount up and follow me,
Always ready cavalry.
Big red one,
Patch on my shoulder,
Mount your track and follow me,
Mechanized Infantry.
Patch on my shoulder,
lace up your boots and follow me,
Straight-leg Infantry.
Patch on my shoulder,
Pick up your books and follow me,
Wanna Lead The Infantry.
Hey, hey Captain Jack,
Meet me down by the railroad track.
With my rifle in my hand,
I wanna be a fighting man.
Hey, hey Captain Jack,
Meet me down by the railroad track.
With my suitcase in my hand,
I wanna be a travelin man.
Hey, hey Captain Jack,
Meet me down by the railroad track.
With my car keys in my hand,
I wanna be a drivin man.
Hey, hey Captain Jack,
Meet me down by the railroad track,
With that K-Bar in my hand,
I wanna be a jackin man.
Hey, hey Captain Jack,
Meet me down by the railroad track.
With that bottle in my hand,
I wanna be a drinkin man.
Hey, hey Captain Jack,
Meet me down by the railroad track,
With that bayonet in my hand,
I wanna be a stabbin man.
Hey, hey Captain Jack,
Meet me down by the railroad track,
With that woman in my hand,
I wanna be a lovin man.
Hey, hey Captain Jack,
Meet me down by the railroad track,
With that pistol in my hand,
I wanna be a killin man.
They say that in the Army the chow is mighty fine
Chicken jumped off the table and started marching time.
O how I want to go,
But they wont let me go,
Hooooome, ooooome, ooooome, HEY!
They say that in the Army the coffee is mighty fine
It looks like muddy water and tastes like turpentine.
They say that in the Army the money is mighty fine
They give you a hundred dollars and take back ninety-nine.
When I go to bed,
Theres a drill sergeant there.
When I go to bed,
Theres a drill sergeant there.
Everywhere I go, theres a drill sergeant there.
Everywhere I go, theres a drill sergeant there.
Drill sergeant, drill sergeant,
Counts the cadence by the numbers everywhere I go.
Whoa, whoa, whoa,
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
When Im eatin chow,
Theres a drill sergeant there.
When Im eatin chow,
Theres a drill sergeant there.
Everywhere I go, theres a drill sergeant there.
Everywhere I go, theres a drill sergeant there.
Drill sergeant, drill sergeant,
Counts the cadence by the numbers everywhere I go.
Whoa, whoa, whoa,
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
When Im on a pass,
Theres a drill sergeant there.
When Im on a pass,
Theres a drill sergeant there.
Everywhere I go, theres a drill sergeant there.
Everywhere I go, theres a drill sergeant there.
Drill sergeant, drill sergeant,
Counts the cadence by the numbers everywhere I go.
Whoa, whoa, whoa,
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
Old King Cole was a merry old soul and a merry old soul was he uh-huh
Well he called for his pipe and he called for his wife and he called for his...
Privates three
Beer beer beer, said the privates
Merry men are we!
There's none so fair that they could compare with the airborne infantry uh-huh.
Corporals three
A three day pass, said the corporals
Sergeants three
Fight, fight, fight, said the sergeant
LT's three
What do I do now? said the LT
Captains three
Take that hill, said the CPT
Colonels three
Where's my star? said the COL
Generals three
Win win win, said the GEN
I hear the choppers coming,
Their flying overhead,
They've come to take the wounded,
They've come to take the dead.
AIRBORNE (Shoot, shoot, shoot, shoot to kill)
RANGER (Shoot, shoot, shoot, shoot to kill)
My Buddy's in a foxhole,
A bullet in his head,
The Army say's he's living,
But I know that he's dead.
AIRBORNE (Shoot, shoot, shoot, shoot to kill)
RANGER (Shoot, shoot, shoot, shoot to kill)
I ran to tell the CO,
About my Buddy's head,
But when I got there,
The CO was already dead..
AIRBORNE (Shoot, shoot, shoot, shoot to kill)
RANGER (Shoot, shoot, shoot, shoot to kill)
And now the battle's over,
The smoke is all around,
We wanted to go home,
But we're six feet under ground.
AIRBORNE (Shoot, shoot, shoot, shoot to kill)
RANGER (Shoot, shoot, shoot, shoot to kill)
Airborne Ranger, Airborne Ranger where have you been?
Around the world and back again.
Airborne Ranger, Airborne Ranger how did you go?
In a C-130 flying low.
Airborne Ranger, Airborne Ranger how did you get down?
In a T-10 Charlie, big and round.
Airborne Ranger, Airborne Ranger what did you do?
Killed some Tangos for me and you.
Airborne Ranger, Airborne Ranger how did you get back?
In a black and gold body sack.
Mama, Mama can't you see
What this Army's done for me,
They took away my faded jeans,
Now I'm wearing Army Greens.
Mama, Mama can't you see
What this Army's done for me,
I used to drive a Cadillac,
Now I hump it on my back.
Mama, Mama can't you see
What this Army's done for me,
Sat me in the Barber's chair,
Spun me around, I had no hair.
Mama, Mama can't you see
What this Army's done for me,
I used to date a beauty queen,
Now I date my M-16.
Around her hair she wore a yellow ribbon,
She wore it in the spring time in the merry month of May,
And if you asked her why the hell she wore it,
She wore it for the soldier who was far, far away.
She wore it for the soldier who was far, far away.
Around the block she pushed a baby carriage...
Behind the door her daddy kept a shotgun...
In the church the preacher kept a license...
Count Cadence
Delay Cadence
Skip Cadence
(One) Airborne Soldier
(Two) Better do your best
(Three) Before you find yourself
(Four) In the leaning rest.
(One) Hit it
(Two) Kick it
(Three) Stab it
(Four) Kill it
One, two, three, four we're not the damn Marine Corps
We like it here, we love it here we've finally found a home
(a what) a home (a what) a home
A home away from home. YEAH!
Tiny Bubbles,
In my beer,
Makes me happy,
Makes me full of cheer.
Your left, your left
Your left, right, left
Your left, your left now
Your military left.
Tiny Bubbles,
In my wine,
Makes me happy,
Makes me feel fine.
Your left, your left
Your left, right, left
Your left, your left now
Your military left.
Pebbles and Bam Bam on a Friday night,
Trying to get to heaven on a paper kite,
Lightning struck (Boom) and down they fell (Ahhh),
Instead of getting to heaven, they went strait to hell.
Dino the dog (Ruff Ruff) was on the bone (Chomp Chomp),
While Fred and Barney rocked the microphone,
There was nothing Fred or Barney could do,
Except sing "Yaaba, dabba, dabba, dabba, dabba doo."
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Scholarship Opportunities
Recruitment - Sign Up Soon
Don Caughey G.S., Recruiting Operations Officer (dcaughey@uccs.edu)
Army ROTC - Department of Military Science
University of Colorado-Colorado Springs and Colorado State University - Pueblo
Phone: 719-255-3475
Mountain Ranger Alumni - Enter Contact Information
Schools - Programs in Army ROTC at UCCS
The program is centered on teaching the principles of leadership, attributes and competencies of Army leaders. These principles apply to positions in the military or in civilian careers. All courses of instruction develop leadership and management skills as well as enhance the self-confidence, and initiative of each student.