Branch Information
Unlike soldiers, who have a specific job, officers are assigned to career fields and will have several different jobs over the course of their service. Cadets compete on a national order of merit list for their choice of branch, as there are only a certain number of openings per branch per year. In 2018, 100% of our seniors received one of their top 3 branch choices, and all but two received their first choice.
Home: Fort Jackson, South Carolina
People are the Army, more than 460,000 in the Active Army alone. To manage our most valuable resource, the Army has a series of personnel management systems. These systems impact on unit readiness, morale, and soldier career satisfaction, and cover the lifecycle management of all Army personnel. The Adjutant General's Corps runs these systems.
The AG Corps officer is responsible for both peacetime and wartime personnel systems. These systems cover all personnel activities from accession of new soldiers, to discharge and retirement. While AG officers train to operate specialized wartime personnel systems such as replacement operations, strength accounting, casualty reporting, and postal, they must also operate the peacetime personnel system on a day-to-day basis. Being an AG officer presents varied challenges to solve real personnel problems.
Development of the AG Corps officer parallels that of other branches in offering both Basic and Advance Courses in the Adjutant General's School. AG Corps officers can expect a wide variety of assignments, ranging from a battalion staff officer to commander of a Personnel Service Company. AG Corps officers can be found at all levels in the Army, in virtually every country in the world. All AG Corps officer skills are open to women.
The AG Corps is a dynamic and ever changing branch that has the tremendous responsibility of operating the Army's personnel support systems. It is the right choice for a bright and energetic young person who is people oriented.
For more information: https://www.ags.army.mil/AGSCadets/index.html
Home: Fort Sill, Oklahoma
The Air Defense Artillery (ADA) Officer leads the air defense artillery branch at all levels of command. ADA officers manage modern complicated military computers on complex networks, communications equipment systems, and radars in order to provide warning, detection, and protection for armed forces from aerial attack, missile attack, and aerial surveillance. ADA officers are responsible for the tactical employment, command and control, and the airspace management of air defense artillery missile and gun units. They must be an expert in tactics, techniques and procedures for the employment of air defense systems.
They also become experts in one or more of the following systems: the Patriot/THAAD missile system; the AVENGER/Stinger Manpad Missile and Counter-Rocket, Mortar, Artillery (C-RAM) system; associated radars; and command and control computer systems.
Job Duties
- Coordinate the Air Defense target engagement process in joint and multinational operations
- Employment of Air Defense Artillery Soldiers at all levels of command
- Evaluate intelligence and identify targets; perform real-time status reporting during combat
- Collect, integrate and process tactical battlefield information from multiple users and sensors through a network of Army and Joint-service automated battle command systems
- Air Defense Artillery tactics, techniques, procedures, and air battle strategy
Home: Fort Moore (Formerly Fort Benning), Georgia
The heritage and spirit of the United States Horse Cavalry lives today in Armor. And although the horse has been replaced by 60 tons of steel driven by a 1,500 HP engine, the dash and daring of the Horse Cavalry still reside in Armor.
Today, the Armor branch of the Army is one of the Army's most versatile . And it's continually evolving to meet worldwide challenges and potential threats.
Armor officers are responsible for tank and cavalry/forward reconnaissance operations on the battlefield. The role of an armor officer is to be a leader in operations specific to the armor branch and to lead others in many areas of combat operations.
Job Duties
- Command the armor units and combined armed forces during land combat
- Coordinate the employment of armor Soldiers at all levels of command
For more information: https://www.moore.army.mil/armor/Cadet-Branching/
Home: Fort Novosel (Formerly Fort Rucker), Alabama
Army Aviation officers play key roles in combat, communications, logistics, and intelligence operations.
But to be an Army aviator, you need more than a desire to fly.
You need strength to lead, the composure to keep cool under pressure, and the overwhelming desire to succeed. To say the Army's flight training program is tough is an understatement. It is probably the most mentally challenging and emotionally draining education you will ever experience.
But as you achieve each important milestone from your first solo flight through to graduation day, you will feel a new sense of accomplishment and pride.
The role of Army Aviation is dynamic and growing. The sophisticated high tech experiences gained in Army Aviation will provide you with personal fulfillment.
You will find the career as an Aviation Branch officer very rewarding. Living and working on the cutting edge, you will be constantly challenged to be the very best you can be.
For more information: https://www.army.mil/aviation/
Home: Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri
Today's lethal battlefield demands officers who possess expertise in nuclear, biological, chemical, smoke, and flame operations. The chemical officer fills this vital role.
Whether you are a Chemical Corps lieutenant in a battalion or a Chemical Corps colonel making critical recommendations to the Corps Commander, you will play an invaluable part in winning on tomorrow's battlefield.
Throughout your career, you, as a chemical officer, can also expect to perform such diverse duties as platoon leader, commander, operations officer, project manager, instructor, and engineer. You must become an expert in all facets of combat operations, logistics, training, intelligence, personnel management, research, development, and analysis. The mission of the chemical officer is extremely challenging. Only the most motivated and enterprising officers fill this mold.
Upon graduation from the Chemical Officer Basic Course, you may be selected to attend Ranger and Airborne School. All basic course graduates will be affiliated with the Chemical Corps Regiment. This affiliation will foster long-time loyalty and commitment which will perpetuate the history, customs, and traditions of the Chemical Corps.
For more information: https://home.army.mil/wood/index.php/units-tenants/USACBRNS/Chemical
Home: Fort Sam Houston, Texas
An Army Dental Corps officer is responsible for the dental health of Soldiers and their families. They are also responsible for providing health care to Soldiers’ families and others eligible to receive this care in the military community.
During combat, the Dental Corps officer assists in the emergency medical management of casualties.
Within the Army Dental Corps, you can specialize in the following areas: Comprehensive Dentistry, Endodontics, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Orthodontics, Pediatric Dentistry, and Periodontics.
Job Duties
- Commanding and controlling the Dental Corps units during emergency and nonemergency medical situations
- Coordinate employment of Dental Corps officers at all levels of command in U.S. and multinational operation
Home: Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri
Combat Engineers have been a vital and inseparable element of the combined arms team since the battle of Bunker Hill. They are the first in and last to leave a battle. Virtually all engineer officers receive troop leading experience in combat, construction or topographic engineering units before branching out into such fields as civil works, military construction, environmental engineering and other specialties.
Combat missions for engineers include: bridge building and destruction; minefield emplacement and reduction; and other tasks requiring specialized engineer skills and equipment. Construction engineers build and maintain roads, airfields and facilities to support combat operations. Topographic engineers provide the terrain depiction products and analyses that give maneuver commanders an edge in battle.
After appropriate and successful troop experience, engineer officers may be sent to graduate school to specialize in construction management and other disciplines culminating in command of engineer districts and divisions involved in water resource and to her domestic and overseas infrastructure projects, or construction and maintenance of military facilities.
Being an Army Engineer is challenging and important work. A career in the Engineer Regiment is filled with opportunities for bright, ambitious young people who want to build a successful career.
For more information: https://home.army.mil/wood/index.php/engineer
Home: Fort Sill, Oklahoma
The Field Artillery is the Army's Fire Support branch--the "King of Battle." Its leaders must destroy, neutralize or suppress the enemy by cannon, rocket or missile fire and integrate all supporting fires--Field Artillery, tactical air, Naval guns, Army aviation and mortars--into combined-arms operations. Field Artillerymen put "Steel on Target" in the right places, at the right time and in the right proportions to assure the success of the maneuver commander's plan--a task that requires thorough understanding of maneuver and fire support doctrine, tactics and techniques.
Field Artillery lieutenants serve as cannon, rocket or missile platoon leaders, company fire support officers and battery fire direction officers. Later as captains, they may command a firing battery, serve as a battalion fire support officer, or staff officer at battalion, brigade or division artillery level. If you're looking for leadership challenges and the opportunity to work with the most sophisticated equipment available, join the "King of Battle."
For more information: https://sill-www.army.mil/fapo/cadets/
Home: Fort Jackson, South Carolina
The ultimate mission of the Finance Corps is to sustain the combat soldier and commanders in the field with timely and accurate finance and accounting support.
This support includes military and civilian pay, the preparation and payment of travel, transportation and commercial vendor vouchers, and accounting for the obligation and disbursement of public funds.
In addition to providing the traditional military pay support to the individual soldier, the Finance Corps plays an important role in supporting logistical, medical and supply requirements during tactical missions. As a Finance Corps lieutenant, you may be part of a Finance Support Detachment assigned to support a tactical unit. These missions could require you to set up and monitor contracts with local commercial vendors financing local purchases for supplemental rations, repair parts, fuel, or anything else that supports the mission.
To become a Finance Corps lieutenant, you must have a baccalaureate degree with specialization in business, accounting, or computer science, and a minimum of six academic hours of accounting.
As a newly commissioned officer, your training begins at the Finance Corps Officer Basic Course. Additional training may include the Commercial Accounts or Military Accounting course. These courses provide you with the basic skills necessary for the various duties you may be expected to perform, such as Disbursing Officer; Chief, Pay and Exam; Operations Officer or Central Accounting Officer.
Whether you actually handle the cash, maintain pay accounts, or accomplish the internal unit support requirements, you'll have a great deal of responsibility and work with up-to-date computer equipment. As a bright, motivated Finance Corps officer, you'll also find that the rewards are commensurate.
For more information: https://www.finance.army.mil/cadets/index.html
Home: Fort Moore (Formerly Fort Benning), Georgia
The infantry officer is responsible for leading the infantry and combined armed forces during land combat.
Job Duties
- Coordinate the employment of Infantry Soldiers at all levels of command in U.S. and multinational operations at increasing levels of leadership, an infantry captain’s responsibilities may include:
- Commanding and controlling the infantry and combined armed companies and company-sized units (200 - 300 Soldiers)
- Developing doctrine, organizations and equipment for unique infantry missions
- Instructing Infantry skills at service schools and combat training centers
- Serving as an Infantry advisor to other units, including Army National Guard and U.S. Army Reserve organizations
For more information: https://www.moore.army.mil/infantry/ocoi/officer.html
Home: Fort Huachuca, Arizona
Determining an enemy's plans, intentions, and capabilities before they're set into motion is of critical value to military leaders. This is the job of Military Intelligence (MI).
The Army must be prepared to fight outnumbered and win in a high-intensity conflict, or to defeat the shadow of guerilla insurgency in a low-intensity situation. In any scenario, Military Intelligence is of paramount importance.
With more than 30,000 members, MI is one of the largest branches of the Army. Duties include all aspects of planning, organization, training, and operations of tactical intelligence, counterintelligence, signals intelligence and electronic warfare, security, interrogation, and aerial reconnaissance and surveillance.
Military Intelligence officers are engaged in fighting the "silent war" at tactical, operational, and strategic levels--collecting, analyzing and disseminating intelligence data. And the war is continuous--24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
Newly commissioned officers attend the MI Officer Basic Course where they concentrate on acquiring tactical all-source intelligence, as well as basic soldiering skills. Every officer must know how to provide his future commander with the intelligence support needed to win on the battlefield, while possessing the skills and knowledge of the tactical soldier.
Military Intelligence officers work with high tech equipment in areas such as radio communications intercept and direction-finding, computer analysis, exploitation of digital imagery, and transmission of satellite data. There is also an opportunity for extensive overseas travel.
For bright, energetic young people who want to realize their full potential, MI offers exceptional opportunities for accomplishment and advancement.
Home: Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri
Today's military police officer enjoys the distinction of a truly unique role in the Army by having two diverse and challenging missions. First is the ever-present need to prepare for war by leading and training combat ready military police forces that can conduct combat operations against enemy forces in the rear area, and expedite battlefield movement of critical resources. Second is the peacetime garrison environment of law enforcement, criminal investigation, terrorism counter-action, physical security, corrections, and crime prevention. This mission focuses on the human aspects of law enforcement and reflects the military police motto--of the troops and for the troops.
Just as the Infantry is trained to conduct combat operations on the front lines, the military police corps is trained to detect and deter the enemy in the rear area, protecting command posts, communications centers, and vital resources.
As a newly commissioned officer, you'll attend the military police officer basic course. Your training will emphasize leadership, tactics, physical training, maintenance and supply. Additional areas of study include military police operations, civil and military law, weapons training, personnel administration, and communicative skills. You may also attend specialized courses such as airborne, air assault, and ranger to support your first assignment.
For more information: https://home.army.mil/wood/index.php/units-tenants/USAMPS/MPOrganizations/MP-Cadet
Home: Fort Sam Houston, Texas
An Army Medical Corps officer is responsible for the overall health of Soldiers and providing health care to Soldiers’ families and others eligible to receive this care in the military community.
During combat, the Medical Corps officer oversees the emergency medical management of casualties and makes sure Soldiers are combat ready when it comes to their overall health.
Job Duties
- Commanding and controlling medical units during emergency and non-emergency medical situations
- Coordinate employment of medical officers and personnel at all levels of command in U.S. and multinational operations
For more information:
Home: Fort Sam Houston, Texas
The mission of the Medical Service Corps is to provide highly skilled and dedicated leaders who perform the clinical, scientific, administrative, command and support services essential to efficiently and effectively manage a quality, world class health care system in support of the Army.
The Medical Service Corps is a body of professional officers responsible for the integration and synchronization of the resources required for the provision and delivery of quality health services across the breadth and depth of the Army from forward deployed foxholes to state of the art medical centers and research facilities in service to soldiers, families and retirees.
Presently, there are 24 different specialty career fields for Medical Service Corps officers. In most cases, you will initially be designated as a Health Services Officer upon completion of the Officer Basic Course. After an initial utilization tour of three to four years in a field unit, you can expect to rotate to the Officer Advanced Course (OAC). Following OAC, assignment opportunities to both command and staff positions at either field or fixed (TDA) facilities will be available to you. Through the early years of your career, you will have the opportunity to attend any number of military specialty courses. After the Officer Advanced Course, you will also have the opportunity to apply for graduate school. These options are all available as you seek to determine which specific area of concentration within the most diversified branch in the United States Army is right for you. You literally control your own destiny as a Medical Service Corps officer. Regardless of your choice, you will want to maintain a balance of field and fixed facility assignments. This will make you a well-rounded officer, as well as enhancing your opportunities for promotion, schooling, and command selection.
For more information: https://medcoe.army.mil/amedd-medical-service-corps
Home: Fort Sam Houston, Texas
Medical Specialist Corps officers are essential in treating and helping the overall health of Soldiers and their families.
The Army Medical Specialist Corps includes four areas of specialty: Occupational Therapist, Physical Therapist, Dietitian, and Physician Assistant.
Job Duties
- Commanding and controlling the Medical Specialist Corps units during emergency and nonemergency medical situations
- Coordinate employment of Medical Specialist Corps officers at all levels of command in U.S. and multinational operations.
Home: Fort Sam Houston, Texas
An Army nurse is an officer, too. So you can expect all the privileges, prestige and respect due any officer in the United States Army.
Because Army medicine is practiced around the world, you're also assured to being exposed to a much wider variety of cases early in your career than a civilian nurse. And you can change hospitals without losing seniority.
The majority of your time will be spent taking care of patients, instead of doing non-nursing chores. And you'll be exposed to a range of cases which is almost impossible to duplicate in civilian nursing.
In the Army, you'll not only grow as a health care professional but as a person as well. The education all opportunities in the Army Nurse Corps are second to none. You may apply for clinical specialty courses in Intensive Care, Operating Room Nursing, Community Health and Environmental Science and Psychiatric Nursing.
A bachelor's of science in nursing is needed to qualify for the Army Nurse Corps.
Home: Fort Gregg-Adams (Formerly Fort Lee), Virginia
The Ordnance Corps is responsible for keeping the Army's combat forces moving and shooting. Since the Ordnance Corps is the largest Corps in the Army, the opportunity to command exists at all levels. Ordnance officers command companies, battalions, arsenals, depots, groups and division and corps support commands, and routinely enjoy command and senior staff positions as one, two and three star generals.
As an Ordnance officer, you will command and lead soldiers and civilians who develop, produce, acquire and support the Army's weapons systems, ammunition, missiles, and wheeled and tracked vehicles. You will also be required to manage and maintain a diverse range of Army materiel from conventional and special ammunition to major weapon and missile systems. As a newly commissioned Ordnance officer, you'll attend the Ordnance Officer Basic Course at either the U.S. Army Ordnance Center and School or the U.S. Army Ordnance Missile and Munitions Center and School.
In order to accomplish its mission, the Ordnance Corps requires smart, articulate leaders capable of effectively managing large numbers of personnel and equipment. Ordnance officers are trained in one of the following areas: Tank / Automotive Materiel Management, Missile / Electronic Materiel Management, Munitions Materiel Management, and Explosive Ordnance Disposal. You may also have the opportunity to serve in the areas of Research and Development, Contracting and Industrial Management, and Materiel Acquisition Management.
Home: Fort Gregg-Adams (Formerly Fort Lee), Virginia
Whether you're considering making the Army a career or looking for an opportunity to gain leadership and management experience, the Quartermaster Corps is for you. As the "Sustainer of the Army," the Quartermaster Corps plans and directs activities which provide soldiers with food, water, petroleum, repair parts, weapon systems, and a multitude of field services.
As a newly commissioned Quartermaster officer, you'll attend the Quartermaster Officer Basic Course. The Basic Course develops your leadership and technical skills in the three occupational specialties of the Quartermaster Corps: Petroleum Management, Materiel / Service Management, and Subsistence Management. After completing the 17-week Officer Basic Course, you'll be eligible to attend additional military schools such as Airborne School, Ranger School and Parachute Rigger School. After completing all training you'll then be assigned to a challenging leadership position supporting combat soldiers and their systems.
As a Quartermaster officer you'll make use of the most modern equipment and technology to solve the logistical problems of today and tomorrow. With these tools, you'll create the most effective and efficient method of providing soldiers with the right items, at the right place, at the right time.
Home: Fort Eisenhower (Formerly Fort Gordon), Georgia
The success of the Army depends largely on its ability to move, shoot, and communicate. And if you can't communicate, you can't do the other two. It's a big responsibility for the men and women who wear the crossed semaphores.
Signal Corps officers are vital members of the combined arms team. And they play a dual role. Besides being technically proficient communications-electronics officers, they also find themselves in the challenging role of combat leaders.
Training begins at the Signal Corps Officer Basic Course. Most newly commissioned lieutenants can expect a variety of assignments as platoon leaders in tactical combat signal units or as detachment commanders in signal units which operate strategic fixed station telecommunications switching centers, satellite terminals, and radio relay stations. A few who possess electrical engineering degrees are assigned to duties which involve the research and development of new communications electronics equipment, missile guidance systems, lasers, and computer hardware.
Signal officers advise commanders on the employment of cable, switching. radio, and satellite communications systems as well as command signal units at company, battalion, and brigade levels. Opportunities to serve as communications electronics staff officers are diverse and challenging with worldwide assignments at operational levels ranging from the forward edge of the battlefield to the White House Communications Agency in the nation's capital.
Home: Fort Gregg-Adams (Formerly Fort Lee), Virginia
Transportation Corps lieutenants get combat power to the right place at the right time. The Transportation Corps is responsible for moving supplies, troops and equipment anywhere on the globe. During war, the Transportation Corps utilizes trucks, boats and airplanes to provide extremely fast support to the combat teams on the front lines.
As a Transportation lieutenant you could be charged with loading the Navy's second largest ship, the 946-foot SL-7, or be responsible for the Army's hovercraft and deploy them overseas. You might oversee the resupply of United Nations Peace Keeping Force outposts on the Sinai Peninsula, or deploy with your soldiers to Europe, Africa, or Antarctica. Transportation lieutenants make things happen.
You will lead soldiers and have the opportunity to learn the fundamentals of command. You will not only master primary tactical skills--the skills to keep you and your soldiers alive in combat--but also develop proficiency in terminal, rail, tactical truck, and marine operations. Later you may compete for advanced degrees in several academic traditions and training with major U.S. corporations, as well as proceed to senior levels of responsibility. The challenge remains. Transportation Corps--The Spearhead of Logistics.
Home: Fort Sam Houston, Texas
As an Army veterinary officer, you can practice in three primary areas: animal medicine, veterinary public health, and research and development. You will be responsible for treating government-owned animals and the valued pets of service members and their families.
Army Veterinary Corps officers are also responsible for programs ensuring the safety and security of Department of Defense food supplies, both here and abroad. Approximately one-third of Veterinary Corps officers are involved in research and development in an incredible range of focus areas, from basic breast cancer research to vaccine development.
Many times, Army veterinarians deliver public health programs around the world such as vaccination programs in Ecuador, teaching Thai veterinary technicians, or supporting foot and mouth disease eradication efforts in Mongolia.
Job Duties
- Commanding and controlling Veterinary Corps units during emergency and non-emergency medical situations
- Coordinate employment of Veterinary Corps officers at all levels of command in U.S. and multinational operations
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Don Caughey G.S., Recruiting Operations Officer (dcaughey@uccs.edu)
Army ROTC - Department of Military Science
University of Colorado-Colorado Springs and Colorado State University - Pueblo
Phone: 719-255-3475