Undergraduate Upper Division Courses
Challenges students to study, practice, and evaluate adaptive leadership skills as presented in scenarios related to squad tactical operations. Students receive systematic and specific feedback on their leadership attributes and actions, which they use to develop their leadership and critical thinking abilities. Open to Junior/Senior/Graduate students only. Prer., MS 1010, MS 1020, MS 2010, MS 2020 or Basic Course Credit.
- 3 Credits
Employs increasingly intense leadership challenges to build awareness and skills in leading tactical operations at the squad and platoon levels. Students learn basics of stability and support operations and conduct military briefings. Open to Junior/Senior/Graduate students only. Prer., MS 3010 or instructor permission.
- 3 Credits
Mandatory 5-week practicum conducted at Fort Knox, Kentucky for all advanced course Army ROTC students. Students are assigned leadership positions at various levels of responsibility and in varied environments. Students are mentored and assessed on their ability to function and lead within the Army team. Contract Army ROTC students only. Prer., MS 3010 and MS 3020.
- 3 Credits
This course is a three-week, 120-hour clinical assignment with an Army Nurse Corps preceptor at an Army hospital in the United States or overseas. Improved clinical skills and self-confidence that comes with this experience will enhance performance in nursing curriculum and Military Science. Students receive travel pay and a salary stipend through Military Science. Prer., MS 3010, MS 3020, MS 3030. Restricted to Army ROTC Nurse Juniors/Seniors only.
- 3 Credits
Develop proficiency in Mission Command and the Army profession by planning, executing, and assessing complex operations by functioning as staff. Develop self and subordinate leaders by receiving and providing performance feedback. Learn basics of ethical decision-making, risk management, and military justice. Open to Junior/Senior/Graduate students only. Must pass the Army Physical Fitness Test and meet height-weight requirements each semester. Prer., MS 3010 and MS 3020.
- 3 Credits
This course explores the dynamics of leading in complex situations, examining the art of command, how to properly communicate with your NCOs and soldiers, and how ethical decisions impact personnel and the unit’s mission. Prer., MS 3010, MS 3020, and MS 4010 or Department Head permission.
- 3 Credits
Course is for the student participating in the Army ROTC Advanced Course who wants to pursue further studies in the application of leadership principles and group dynamics. This course is by arrangement with the Professor of Military Science only. Students must be Army ROTC Advanced Course participants. May be repeated once for credit. Prer., MS 4020.
- 3 Credits